Double antigen strategy for a MULTISPECIES application.

Based on specific and immunodominant subunit of SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid protein for highest specificity.

Detection of all immunoglobulins (IgM, IgG and IgA) for the highest sensitivity

The kit is 1-plate (code 26867-01) or 2-plates format (26867-02).


Eradikit™ Leishmania pen-side kit

The pen-side test is based on a recombinant chimeric antigen which has been shown to be highly specific for CVL.

The reporter used allows the versatile application of the pen-side test for CVL diagnosis in dogs, which represent the main reservoir for human infection, and in other mammals assuring the opportunity of efficiently controlling the spreading of the infection in domestic and wild species.

10 devices format.

If you want more info, please contact us.


Eradikit™ gE Serum Verification Kit

Eradikit™ gE Serum Verification Kit is an independent tool for the confirmation of gE blocking ELISAs results.

Eradikit™ gE Serum Verification kit is based on the reactivity of IBR-infected animals to the ectodomain of the glycoprotein E, showing excellent sensitivity and diagnostic precocity.
The test gives no false-positive results in vaccinated herds and shows a low cross-reaction with alphaherpesviruses genetically related to BoHV1.

How to order…

IMP3rove Assessment

Certificate_IN3DIAGNOSTIC s.r.l.

In3diagnostic has successfully executed the assisted IMP3rove Assessment compliant with the European standardization documents (CEN TS 16555-1 and the CEN Workshop Agreement CWA 15899).

The IMP3rove Assessment provides innovation Management benchmarks indicating the enterprise’s competitiveness compared to the growth champions and the average.